No Yellow Color is the innovative ppd free colouring cream with anti-yellow action and enriched with special extra-high-performance, three-dimensional, anti-reflection pigments. Dedicated to blonde, bleached and lightened hair, it makes pure, absolute and impeccable blondes. Formula: delicate ppd free Range: 9 special colors dedicated to blonde in all its expressions Fragrance: berries Actifs: blackberry extract, grapes, blueberry with conditioning, antioxidant and emollient properties to a healthy, vital and soft hair Mix: with fanola activators 3,5-10-20-30-40 vol
Usage: Mixing ratio: Coloring cream 1:1,5 Perfumed Hydrogen peroxide; Coloring cream superlighteners and toner: 1:2 Perfumed Hydrogen peroxide; ML.00 1:3 Perfumed Hydrogen peroxide